
Types of Plastic surgery - Dr Kiran Nerkar

Dr. Kiran Nerkar is now providing plastic surgery Nashik. Contact us if you are looking for plastic surgery in Nashik . There is a wide range of systems used to perform cosmetic reconstructive plastic surgery procedures, including the accompanying: Endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic surgery is performed with an endoscope, a tubular test that has a minor camera and a splendid light, which is embedded into a little entry point (a little cut in the skin). Pictures from the camera are transmitted back to a screen, which the specialist watches while controlling the endoscope inside the body. The endoscope is a gadget to help the specialist amid surgeries. Instruments to really play out the surgery are embedded through an alternate incision(s). Extensive procedures should then be possible with insignificant scars. Flap surgery. Flap surgery includes moving solid, live tissue starting with one area of the body then onto the next - frequently to territories that have lost skin, fat,...

Liposuction in Nashik

Liposuction  is a cosmetic procedure whereby excess fat is removed from under the skin from various body parts. A cannula and a suction device is used. The most common areas from where fat is removed using this technique are buttocks, arms, neck, thighs, and abdomen. This surgery is performed to remove stubborn fat pockets which do not go away from exercise and diet control. It is used for improving body shape and size and achieves a better appearance. Aakar Aesthetics & Cosmetic Surgery Centre offers free consultation for  Liposuction  in Nashik , Call on 0253-2970290 or email us at  to book a personalized face to face consultation with our Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Kiran Nerkar. For more information go to

Breast Lift Surgery

Mastopexy is another name of breast lift surgery .The main intention of this surgery is to reduce excess skin and make tighter the surrounding tissue to make shape better than before and support the new breast outline. Sagging breast can be reshaped with help of this surgery.  Now dr. Kiran Nerkar is providing  breast lift surgery in Nashik. For more information please go to : breast lift surgery

Gynecomastia Treatment in Nashik

Gynecomastia (or Male Boobs) is swelling of the breast tissue (Chest) in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones responsible for the development of secondary sexual characters. It can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unequally. Newborns, boys going through puberty and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, though other causes also exist.   Gynecomastia treatment in Nashik  at aakar aesthetics is best the best option. For more information go to . gynecomastia treatme

Blepharoplasty surgery in Nashik

Blepharoplasty surgery in Nashik –  It is eyelid surgery and it not a necessity. It is only a cosmetic procedure. Upper and lower eyelids become droopy as a person ages. Fat pockets become very pronounced, muscles weaken and eyelid skin stretches giving an aged look to a person. It can give a tired and haggard look to a person. , Call on 0253-2970290 or email us at  to book a personalized face to face consultation with our Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr Kiran Nerkar. blepharoplasty surgery in Nashik Aakar Aesthetics & Cosmetic Surgery Centre  offers a free consultation for blepharoplasty surgery in nashik

Vaginal Tightening - Aakar Aesthetics

Vaginal Tightening  is also known as vaginoplasty. It has gained immense popularity in recent years. New mothers go for it as they think childbirth has altered the appearance of their vaginas. Now there are no taboos attached to this procedure and more and more women are opting for this surgery. They have realized that they can alter the way their labia and surrounding vaginal tissues appear and are undergoing the surgery. For information feel free to call us and visit us at

Breast Reduction Clinic in Nashik

Breast reduction Clinic in Nashik - Aakar aesthetics & cosmetic surgery center. Reduction mammoplasty or Breast reduction is a procedure for a woman experiencing health problems and/or extreme self-consciousness associated with very large, heavy breasts. The goal is to give the woman a more attractive contour with smaller, better-shaped breasts in proportion with the rest of her body. This will offer an improved self-image. Medical problems associated with very large breasts include back and neck pain caused by the excessive weight, skin irritation, fungal infections, skeletal deformities and breathing problems, shoulder indentations due to bra straps. Large, heavy breasts also lead to poor posture & interfere with normal daily activities such as exercise. Excessive breast size may also lead to a decreased sense of attractiveness and self-confidence. Younger girls experiencing disproportionately large breast (virginal hypertrophy) may also benefit from reduction mammoplast...